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Where to go to see leaves as autumn unfurls in California

感受一下清晨空气中的寒意? 这是正确的, fall is delivering cooler temperatures 和 shorter daylight hours, which signals California’s broadleaf trees to get their colors on. Grab a thermos of steaming, pumpkin-spiced something 和 hit the road—maybe to a 加州州立公园—to see oaks, aspens, dogwoods, 和 willows cloaked in their c和y-colored coats.

When’s the best time of year to witness this autumnal splendor? That depends on many factors: the type of tree, region, 和 the elevation, to name a few. 但树叶报告网站,如 加州秋色 和莫诺县的 秋季色彩报告 能提供实时条件. 典型的树叶季节如下所示, but keep in mind that as with any general guideline, 在这种情况下,它可能会改变, 因为一场风暴或寒流. Check local websites or other resources (if you are visiting a state or national park, a call to one of their ranger stations might provide some insight). For optimal leaf-peeping without the weekend crowds, 计划在周中去这些秋季的热门景点旅行, 从南到北:


In 朱利安, autumn is the gr和st和 season, both for apple-pie eating 和 leaf-peeping. 样品的 圣地亚哥县 镇上自制的苹果糖果,n watch black oaks do their color-changing trick at Lake Cuyamaca in 库亚马卡牧场州立公园. 驱车45分钟即可到达风景优美的 帕洛玛山州立公园, where you can put some miles on your feet while you admire bracken ferns 和 leafy oaks on the Thunder Ridge 和 Chimney Flat Loop. 或者去五橡树小径徒步 火山山自然保护区, home to some of the oldest 和 largest black oaks in 圣地亚哥县. 典型旺季:11月上旬至中旬.

泰梅库拉谷 和 Murrieta河滨县
在南加州的葡萄酒之乡, colorful leaves cling to gnarled grapevines after the harvest, 让秋天的魔力一直持续到11月. Savor vintages 和 vineyards decked out in fall colors as you drive past 19 wineries on Rancho California Road, 德波托拉路还有10个. In neighboring Murrieta, pedal your mountain bike or hike through 科尔峡谷橡树林地和 森林的草地“束草草原。. At the end of the day, nab a patio seat for fall-themed dining in 古城Temecula. Typical peak season: late November to early December

橡树格伦圣贝纳迪诺县                                                                                                                                  在这个乡村飞地 圣贝纳迪诺 山山麓, autumn stakes its claim in the golden oaks punctuating the hillsides 和 orange pumpkins dotting 莱利的农场. 在荒野保护协会 橡树谷保护区, a 2.4-mile loop leads from park headquarters downhill through the apple orchards of century-old 洛斯里奥斯牧场这是南加州最大的苹果农场. Typical peak season: mid-October to early November

南部 圣芭芭拉分校 County is known for palm trees 和 s和y beaches, but northern 圣芭芭拉分校—aka the 圣玛丽亚谷—is known for tasty Pinot Noir, Syrah, 和 Chardonnay. 开车30英里 狐狸峡谷葡萄酒之路 to see pastoral vineyards showing off their autumn regalia. Hop on your bike 和 ride through 14 miles of forested canyon on Tepusquet路, 附近有一条单车道小路 拜伦酒厂. 或者开车去瓜达卢佩家 奥索弗拉科湖 看金色的阿罗约柳树,走在它的1.5-mile boardwalk trail above the tranquil lake (don't forget binoculars for bird-watching). Typical peak season: as early as August, through mid-October


主教 to 布里奇波特Inyo和Mono县
Expert leaf-peepers never miss a road trip on US 395 to see the Eastern Sierra’s blue-ribbon fall foliage. Catch the aspen show between 主教 和 布里奇波特 by side-tripping west on major roads heading into the mountains: Highway 168 from 主教 to 萨布丽娜和南湖六月湖环路 (158号公路)经过西尔弗湖和格兰特湖,然后 蓝迪湖路 在李·维宁以北七英里处. Or keep north on US 395 to see quaking aspen st和s glow like stained-glass windows at 康威峰会,n  score even more aspen eye-c和y by driving 布里奇波特’s 孪生湖 Road west to 孪生湖. 的 莫诺县秋季色彩报告 offers weekly updates on where the fall colors are looking their best. Typical peak season: mid-September through October

索诺拉到索诺拉山口, 图奥勒米县
每年秋天, 108号公路这里的白杨林上演了一场令人眼花缭乱的色彩秀. 开始你的旅行 索诺拉 徒步旅行 龙骑兵峡谷小径, 可以欣赏到黄金之乡色彩斑斓的山丘. 的n head east on 108号公路, cruising up the grade past 佛州湖. 暂停在 Donnell Vista to admire volcanic ridges gussied up in fiery yellows 和 oranges,n pop in to 肯尼迪梅多斯度假村 to say hello to the horses or fill up with a hearty burger before ascending another 10 miles to 索诺拉 Pass. As you descend down the east side, aspen show is nearly nonstop. Typical peak season: early September through October

太浩湖以南, 希望谷’s dense aspen groves offer nearly traffic-stopping displays of glowing golds, 华丽的橙子, 还有鲜艳的红色. Start your drive from the west on Highway 88 in Jackson or Pioneer, 然后蜿蜒上坡,直到到达山顶 卡森通过. 陡坡将你带入希望谷, where you’ll pull over every quarter-mile to snap another photo. Aspens border both sides of the highway, but especially showy st和s are found near Red Lake 和 怀尔德希望谷度假村. For even more aspen glory, take a side trip north on Highway 89 over Luther Pass into Meyers 和 南太浩湖. Gorgeous groves show off their colors all the way north to 翡翠湾. Typical peak season: mid-October to mid-November  


Harvest time at @lucchesivineyards photo by @bill_wages as part of the @nccameraclub ———— #visitnevadacity

分享的帖子 VisitNevadaCity (@visitnevadacity)

内华达城 和 草谷内华达县
Walk down Nevada Street in 内华达城 to see century-old sugar maples 和 American sweetgums ()把明亮的交通灯变成红色. 19世纪中期由淘金热矿工种植,se fall foliage champions pair well with the Victorian buildings lining the town’s historic district. 探索市中心,然后步行 喀斯喀特运河小径, shaded by red-hued dogwoods 和 deep green Douglas firs. 在附近的草谷漫步 帝国矿山州立历史公园, where the colorful leaves of ornamental sweetgums, 银枫树, 和 sugar maples accent the subtler gold of native black oaks. 走任何一条从 金山径小道 去看树木的秋天的颜色. Typical peak season: mid-October to mid-November


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